How to Pass the 11+ Exam
A female primary school student taking an exam at her desk

How to Pass the 11+ Exam

As primary school draws to an end, students all across the UK must sit the 11+ Exam to determine their eligibility for the more selective secondary schools. With an eye on academic achievement for your child, it makes sense to prepare as much as possible. How can they pass this important test and improve their chances of getting into the best schools going forward?

Check Registration: Location, Times, and Format

Do not get so caught up in the academic side of the 11+ Exam that you forget about the basics. Your home address determines where your child will have to take the test and which administering group will organize it. Double-check times for entrance, the exam start, and when you should be there to pick them up again. Take note of allowed and disallowed items. For example, your child can take in a water bottle but not a smartwatch or calculator.

Learn Smart Test-taking Skills Without Stress

All kids in school take exams from time to time, but such an important one can cause extra stress. Practice smart test-taking skills ahead of time. These tips will help:

  • Read all questions carefully and completely before answering.
  • Do not take too much time on any one problem. Move on to get more done.
  • Guess. If your child is completely stuck, choosing an option is better than leaving things blank.
  • Practice focusing on various distractions. Although exam rooms are quiet, there are still many potential temptations. Never look at another child’s exam paper.
  • Keep an eye on the time left. Pace the work to get as much done as possible.

One of the most important parts of taking exams successfully is making sure to minimize stress. A tense, worried child will not be able to focus on the questions in front of them. Be positive while encouraging them to do their best.

Create a Study Plan Early and Stick to It

The 11+ Exam is a challenging test for most young students. A relatively small percentage earn scores high enough to get into the best grammar schools. However, you can increase this chance by starting as early as possible to prepare. Study your local school syllabus to get an idea about what they should be learning at each stage of their educational journey. Encourage your child to always do well in their regular classes in school. After all, the subjects in the exam reflect those quite closely.

The exam questions include:

  • Mathematics (numeracy, computations, etc.)
  • English (spelling, grammar, punctuation, literacy, etc.)
  • Verbal and non-verbal reasoning

What should a study plan look like? When in doubt, reach for pre-made eleven-plus exam practice papers. These are available through educational companies and easily found online in digital or printable format. Consider age-appropriate learning games or apps, too. There are plenty of fun activities that boost understanding and competence in English and maths. Introduce these when your child is learning the subjects in regular classes. A little extra work will help them get good grades, too.

Identify Weaknesses in Subject and Question Formats

As with all academic matters, figuring out where your child needs extra help is a big part of the equation. This is where practice tests help a lot. Remember that the 11+ Exam is designed to be quite challenging and that most kids do not score in the top 10%, which opens doors to different school options. Support your children as much as possible, but do not put undue pressure on them.

Have them take a practice test on paper or online in a relaxed environment. As they work through the sections, encourage them to give you feedback on what they are struggling with. Take note of both the subject matter and the types of questions that catch them up. This gives you the best guidance on what to study more closely.

Get Extra Help from Parents, Tutors, and Exam Boosters

There is no way to cram for this standardized exam. You will only put unnecessary and potentially damaging pressure on your child if you force them to study for long hours or take many extra classes after the regular school day is done.

However, that does not mean that outside help is a bad idea. The other parents at your child’s school may want to get together to create some type of tutoring program or at-home learning experience. At the very least, you can talk with them about ideas for improving exam chances.

Consider commercial classes specifically designed to boost 11+ Exam success. A tuition option can help fill in gaps in their knowledge, foster reasoning skills, and even help with test-taking methods. These do not have to cost a lot, but they do represent an investment in your young child’s future. Carefully research your options and decide if it makes sense to spend a bit more to give your son or daughter a better chance at hitting the top 10 or 15% of UK students.

Be a Part of Your Child’s School and Personal Success

This exam does more than find out if your child knows various school subjects. While mathematics and things like grammar and punctuation are included, reasoning skills are not always taught in the classroom. As a parent, you must be an integral part of their success throughout life. Get involved. Take interest. Engage them in conversations about the future.

This does not mean you should necessarily push them to excel academically above all else. Instead, simply be a part of their growth over time. Make learning something important for more than just better grades. Help build critical thinking skills and creative thought. The right home atmosphere can go a long way to scoring high on this exam.


As parents, you want to give your children the best chance possible at a brighter future. Passing the 11+ Exam is one of the first steps on the way to academic excellence. With these tips and help from an online guide or tutor, they will be prepared and proficient at every subject and test-taking method necessary for success.